Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February Meeting :"Secretary" from Bad Behavior by Mary Gateskill

The First Rule of Book Club gets "romantic" in February.....
We will be reading the short story "Secretary" from the collection
Bad Behavior by Mary Gaitskill.
"Secretary" is the only required reading for this meeting since it is VERY short I encourage you to read another story or two to give a recommendation, warning or review  during our meeting.

 **If book buying isn't in your budget this month the short story "Secretary" is posted here:

After the discussion we will be watching the 2002 film Secretary starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhall.

 The meeting will be held 
February 13th, 2012 at The Jack London Bar ( in the basement of The Rialto Pool Hall)
at 7pm
Film will follow @8:30

Crack That Spine,
Nico Bella

**for more information and more frequent updates from First Rule of Book Club please join our Facebook page